Friday, November 30, 2012

Melatonin and Adrenal Fatigue

Recently Dr. Oz did a show on women who overdose on melatonin.  Melatonin is a hormone, a natural sleep aid (it regulates sleep bio rhythms), and is sold over the counter.  Most women were taking up to 9 mg a night, when the recommended dose is 1mg a night for two weeks only.  Melatonin in the small dose is good for shift workers and for jet lag.  The symptoms of overdose do not harm the body but result in sleeplessness and a hangover type of feeling.

I've written about adrenal fatigue causing an imbalance in DHEA, estrogen, progesterone, and pregnenolone, but I have never mentioned the low levels of melatonin (associated with the adrenal fatigue) when I received my test results from my saliva testing.  There are other kinds of tests than saliva testing, but these tests are all given by naturopaths, as there is still controversy in western medicine over the existence of adrenal fatigue.  I take only 1mg of melatonin occasionally.

My western medicine doctor told me to go to a naturopath because western medicine isn't good with chronic fatigue.  I was also diagnosed by my naturopath with sub clinical low levels of thyroid hormone, which is caused by low blood sugar.  Most people don't know that low blood sugar puts stress on the body and can cause adrenal fatigue and low thyroid hormone levels.

It is always encouraging for me to hear western medicine doctors like Dr. Oz introduce the concept of adrenal fatigue to the general public.  Here is a link to a western medicine doctor's post that talks about adrenal fatigue.  Her name is  Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP, so she is both a western doctor and naturopath.

The things she recommends parallel the recommendations made to me by my functional nutritionist (naturopath.)  Eat every 2-3 hours to avoid spikes in low blood sugar.  Stay away from caffeine and too much sugar.  Take an array of vitamin supplements, and reduce stress in general.

I wouldn't wish adrenal fatigue on anyone ever.  It is absolutely exhausting, and mine has been chronic over a number of years.  Unfortunately, still, due to ignorance, a lot of people have no clue what I'm talking about when I mention it. 

Here is a description taken from that website: 

“Adrenal fatigue” is another name for sub clinical adrenal dysfunction, also called adrenal imbalance. While adrenal fatigue is well recognized in other parts of the world, there has been some skepticism about it within conventional medical circles here in the US.

Perhaps part of the mystery lies in the conventional approach to testing for adrenal function. The current tests that doctors are likely to recommend are very good at detecting the furthest extremes of adrenal imbalance: Cushing’s syndrome at one end of the spectrum and Addison’s disease at the other... Conventional practitioners could use a deeper understanding of these serious, full-blown adrenal disorders by recognizing that such conditions do not arise overnight. Less dramatic, “subclinical” manifestations of adrenal dysfunction can be terribly incapacitating for patients, too — and these warrant treatment as well. But in the minds of many if not most conventional practitioners, any degree of adrenal imbalance that isn’t Cushing’s or Addison’s falls “within normal limits.”

This is so unfortunate, because millions of people today suffer debilitating symptoms of adrenal imbalance, to the point that their quality of life may be significantly compromised. We know that overwhelming fatigue, inability to cope with stress, sleep disturbances, lightheadedness, recurrent infections, fuzzy thinking, low libido, marked irritability, and many other symptoms can and do arise even when the numbers on conventional tests look “normal.” You may feel unwell and know something is not right, yet have one provider after another tell you he or she cannot seem to find anything medically wrong with you.

When conventional lab results appear normal, many [conventional] practitioners move on to other possible diagnoses, missing the opportunity to heal the underlying causes of adrenal imbalance."

 I think western medicine is great at a lot of things, but I wish conventional practitioners would get on board with adrenal fatigue because I read that up to 2/3 of people are struggling with some degree of this condition.

A Votre Sante (Here's To Your Health,)  Alix

Monday, November 12, 2012

Yikes, more bad news about GMO foods

Dr. Mercola has been on a roll lately, so I included another synopsis from his site.  I really appreciate all the money he gave to the California campaign to label GMO foods.  This proposition lost due to the large amount funding going into commericals that Monsanto was pumping out before the vote-- including commercials that intentionally tried to discredit Mercola.  Here is the blurb from that reviews a documentary :

The documentary film "David versus Monsanto” details the groundbreaking victory of a lone farmer against one of the most powerful companies on the planet
  • The world’s first lifetime feeding study discovered that rats fed a diet containing 11 percent GE corn developed massive breast tumors, kidney and liver damage and other serious health problems in the 13th month of life.
  • To put this into human perspective, if the average lifespan of a person is 80 years, these health problems would start rearing their ugly head somewhere during the 43rd year of life, provided your diet contained just over 10 percent GE foods and you began eating them in early childhood
  • According to a report released by the Environmental Working Group, Americans are eating their weight and more in genetically engineered food every year—an average of 193 pounds of GE foods annually

  • No thanks for me, I'll avoid GMO foods...especially the hidden ingredient of Canola oil (there is no such thing as a canola plant) and soy lecithin, as most soy is GM.

    A Votre Sante, (Here's To Your Health) Alix

    Tuesday, October 23, 2012

    More dangers of GMO foods

    This is an excerpt from Dr. Joseph Mercola's newsletter ( I thought it apropos because of the vote in California on November 6th to label GMOs statewide.  If this vote to label GM foods passes in California, many other states will eventually follow suit, and people tend not to buy GM foods when they are labeled---so this is a huge vote for the health of this country.  Mercola gave a lot of money to the campaign to label GMOs in California, and I have also given some money as well.  If this vote passes, the general public will finally be privy to the real dangers of these genetically modified foods. 
    "Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto's herbicide Roundup, which is sprayed in large quantities on genetically engineered, so-called "Roundup Ready," crops. Such crops are genetically engineered to withstand otherwise lethal applications of the herbicide.

    According to the German journal Ithaka,1 every single urine sample collected from city dwellers around Berlin tested positive for glyphosate, with values ranging from 0.5 to 2 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml) – that's between five and 20 times the permissible upper limit for glyphosate in German drinking water, which is set at 0.1 ng/ml. According to the featured article:2
    'Glyphosate probably entered human populations over the past 10 years through its increasing presence in daily foods such as meat and dairy products, vegetable and fruit produce and grains products. Glyphosate-laced genetically modified Roundup soya which enters the animal food chain, is only one of the risk factors.
    Even more dangerous now is the increasing use of herbicides in the EU over the past several years for the desiccation of entire stocks of harvestable crop.
    'Spraying crops to death,' as desiccation should be more aptly called, means that herbicides are being sprayed directly on the crops shortly before they are to be harvested to facilitate the harvest by uniformly killing off all living plants (including the crops) on the field.
    If crops cannot fully mature due to excessive rain, as was the case in the summer of 2011, herbicides are used to bring the crops to maturity by means of a 'death-spray.' The method facilitates the drying of the crops as well as removing all weeds for the next sowing period, and has become common for the harvest of potatoes, cereals, canola and pulses.
    For potatoes, spraying herbicides on the field immediately before harvest (2.5 l / ha), hardens the skin and reduces its susceptibility to late blight and germination, which improved the potatoes shelf life. Active compounds of the herbicide directly enter the potato through the leaves; however, decomposition of the poison takes place in the body of the consumer.'"

    A Votre Sante (Here's to Your Health), Alix

    Monday, October 8, 2012

    Adrenal Fatigue Update with great links

    The ongoing protocol for adrenal fatigue/estrogen dominance has me frustrated.  After 2 years of bio identical hormones, supplements, eating basically a paleo diet (actually the metabolic typing protein type diet) of all organic foods, I am still sleeping 10+ hours a night.  Some nights 11-12 hours.  I am totally exhausted.  This is definitely not something I would wish on anyone, as Western Medicine all but denies the existence of  these conditions--however, Dr. Oz and Christine Northrup did a show on estrogen dominance, so this condition (which often occurs in tandem with adrenal fatigue) is becoming more widely known.  

    I really try to hold back on telling very many people about the exhaustion because past responses from non-professionals have not been very helpful.  Common remarks are, "well you probably sleep too much so you're tired,"  "yeah, I'm really tired too, but I tough it out," "it's all in your head," "you're lazy," and "all you do is sleep on weekends."  I discovered a lot of ignorance basically because our culture is based on the "plow-through-it" sleep-deprivation model.  Americans used to make fun of the Japanese for working so hard, but now we are the most workaholic country.  Elaine Aaron in her books about high sensitivity explains that many people are not in touch with/sensitive to their bodies, so this results in a culture of "burning the candle at both ends."

    I had a series of acupuncture treatments and was supposed to be sleeping around 9 hours now.  However, I am still exhausted.  I intend to talk to another acupuncturist, and explore more options--possibly more supplements or seeing a naturopath.  I am currently on the Kalish method doing natural hormone replacement--many women, especially those over 35, are estrogen dominant and don't know it.  Each holistic specialist has a slightly different take on how to treat the body, but what I like is that, in the holistic field, all these natural treatments tend to mesh well together.  So looking for more solutions is always an option to add onto my current protocol, which I have discussed in prior posts.

    Dr. Bob Marshall specializes in supplements and recommends healthy digestion.  There are free recordings of his health radio show at

    The wonderful Norm Shealy has free protocols for different diseases on his website, including acupuncture points regimens that one can do on their own.

    A Votre Sante (Here's to Your Health), Alix

    Monday, September 24, 2012

    Dr. Mercola warns against GMOs and vaccines

    Here are some direct quotes from Dr. Joseph Mercola's latest articles (  I think he does a great job at speaking out about GMOs and vaccines:

    [GMOs]  A two-year long French feeding study designed to evaluate the long-term health effects of a genetically engineered corn found that rats fed Monsanto’s maize developed massive breast tumors, kidney and liver damage, and other serious health problems.

    According to results from a 10-year long feeding study on rats, mice, pigs and salmon, genetically engineered feed causes obesity, along with significant changes in the digestive system and major organs, including the liver, kidneys, pancreas, genitals and more.

    The EPA admits there’s “mounting evidence” that Monsanto’s insecticide-fighting YieldGard corn is losing its effectiveness in the Midwest. Last year, rootworms resistant to the toxin in the genetically designed corn infested fields in Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota and Nebraska

    [Vaccines] Data collected from Canada and Hong Kong during 2009-2010 showed that people who received the seasonal flu vaccine in 2008 had twice the risk of getting the H1N1 “swine flu,” compared to those who hadn't received a flu shot

    Remember? H1N1 Vaccine was Not Only Ineffective, But Unusually Dangerous...

    As you may recall, the fast-tracked pandemic 2009-2010 H1N1 swine flu vaccine turned out to be particularly reactive – far more reactive than previous seasonal flu vaccines. Will this season's trivalent flu vaccine – containing two swine origin influenza A viruses – pandemic H1N1 and H3N2 – usher in a repeat performance?

    One of the most disturbing side effects of some of the marketed pandemic H1N1 vaccines was narcolepsy; a very rare and disabling neurological disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness. About 70 percent of narcolepsy cases also involve cataplexy – the sudden loss of voluntary muscle control – along with vivid hallucinations and total paralysis at the beginning or end of the narcoleptic attack.

    In the case of the H1N1 pandemic vaccine, the adverse events were so serious, and so widespread that the tragic reality could not be ignored. There's no discussion about whether or not narcolepsy was caused by the vaccine; it's been proven to be a vaccine injury by experts in multiple countries.

    For example, according to Swedish findings, children and adolescents vaccinated with Pandemrix during the 2009-10 season had a close to 660 percent increase in risk for narcolepsy! Finland also noticed a dramatic increase in the condition following vaccination with Pandemrix. There, an interim report issued in January of last year found that the H1N1 vaccine increased the risk of narcolepsy by a staggering 900 percent in children and adolescents below the age of 19.7 France, Germany and Norway also reported cases of the rare sleeping disorder, causing the EU to launch an investigation as well.
    Well, I won't be getting the flu vaccine this year...and as always, I will be avoiding genetically modified foods.

    A Votre Sante (Here's to Your Health), Alix


    Monday, August 6, 2012

    60 Minutes recently did a segment called "Is Sugar Toxic?"  It's great that this information is spreading beyond the holistic health niche and becoming mainstream.  This segment talks about how a "calorie is not just a calorie," meaning that eating sugar prompts the production of small dense LDL by the liver (contributing to heart disease,) and it also feeds certain kinds of cancer cells. 

    Obviously, over consumption can lead to diabetes as well.  High fructose corn syrup became an additive in foods as the low-fat trend eliminated flavor.  This clip shows that sugar is addictive, triggering dopamine in the same brain center as drugs or alcohol.  People then build up a tolerance and want to eat even more sugar to get a kick of dopamine. 

    It is recommended in this segment that men limit their sugar caloric intake to 150 calories a day and that women limit theirs to 100.

    Check out the following link:

    Monday, July 23, 2012

    Holistic Living Saves Money on Health Costs

    As the recession continues, grocery store stocks tend to do well, especially organic chains like Whole Foods Market, which has become a Wall Street darling.  This is not only because of their savvy business practices and the fact that people tend to buy food rather than eat at restaurants in times of economic downturn, but also because of the emerging “green market trend.”  More people are trying to save money on expensive medical costs through use of vitamin and mineral supplements, eating organically, and with preventative holistic living.

    According to health expert Dr. Joseph Mercola, a person’s diet accounts for 80% of the health benefits for longevity.  Holistic health practitioners all agree that eating whole, organic foods is best.  Many natural health practitioners recommend a comprehensive exercise program, high-quality animal-based Omega-3 fats from organic, grass fed meat, and avoiding as many chemicals as possible.  This includes avoiding pesticides and added hormones in non-organic foods/meat, in cleaning products, and pharmaceutical medications whenever possible.

    Mercola and other holistic health practitioners give health tips such as avoiding gluten to eliminate “sweets cravings,” and limiting sugar, including natural sugars and chemical artificial sweeteners.  Fructose is now understood to be a big contributor to heart disease.  Refined sugar weakens the immune system, and eating too many grains and sugars releases too much insulin and adrenalin, causing the body to respond in a state of emergency stress.  Eating 4-6 small meals a day will help the body balance blood sugar, avoid hypoglycemia, and prevent stress on the body thereby enhancing health and longevity.

    With all the debate about national health care, it is timely that Holistic Life Style Coaches are cropping up all over Chicago.  Chicago’s first holistic gym, Whole Body Fitness houses only holistic trainers that are CHEK certified, meaning these fitness professionals have undergone extensive training through the distinguished Paul Chek Institute in California that includes expertise in Holistic Life Style Coaching.  Paul Chek is nationally acclaimed in the fitness/holistic health industry, and his philosophy is similar to Mercola’s.

    Chek’s methods support optimum health through fitness, practical nutrition, and holistic lifestyle coaching.  CHEK trainer and Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Daneille McLaughlin, who trains out of Whole Body Fitness, talks about the emerging trend of holistic living and further explains how holistic living can prevent disease and enhance health.

    She says “Food in our supermarkets is not being grown or prepared the way it used to be.  We now use enhanced technology to sustain our food for longer.   And these food preparation methods are harmful to our body.  Reverting back to whole foods and organic foods will bring our bodies back to health.”

    McLaughlin continues, “In each decade things are changing, and I feel in this decade, we’re starting to realize the mistakes we made in past decades of convenience foods and processed foods.”  With Holistic Health Coaching, “You’re going to learn about the foods that you need to take out of your diet and the foods that you need to add into your diet in order to prevent disease.”

    Danielle goes into more detail saying “Gluten in general is not being made and processed the same way it used to be 10,000 years ago.  Our body is not recognizing the gluten and it’s causing allergies and sensitivities.  Sugar is addictive, and if we are already living in a state of illness, sugar will make the symptoms worse.  All the chemicals and pesticides that are being used on our crops are not being recognized by the body and are causing us to become more toxic, to retain more weight, and more prone to diseases.”

    “I have numerous clients that have removed gluten from their diet and removed allergies and symptoms of fatigue. Since we focus on the mental, emotional and physical aspects as well as diet, you are getting the full package, you’re going to improve your health overall, which saves on medication costs in the long run.”

    Danielle explains the reason she started personal training/health-coaching with the CHEK method.  “The information Paul Chek  gives on diet and exercise is much different than what I’ve ever heard from modern society…when I heard the information that Paul Chek was teaching it automatically set off a light bulb in my head.  And it just made sense.”

    The CHEK method works because “Our body is a system of systems, and there are many different aspects of the body to look at, when we are looking for health.  We need to look for what causes the problem, the root of the problem, and correct the body from the inside out.”

    Her Personal Training and Holistic Health Coaching embrace the physical, mental and emotional, meaning, “We look at your lifestyle, eating habits, sleeping patterns, physical movement, stress-load.  Diet and exercise are made out to be so difficult and ‘tricky’ in society, but Paul Chek really gets back to the basics.  I like the basics because they’re simple, they make sense and they work.”

    Danielle trains out of Whole Body Fitness in Chicago (I94 and Peterson,, 773.481.9830), and her website is 

    Friday, June 1, 2012

    Mercola Myth-Busters

    Here is a synopsis of some really great articles by Dr. Mercola that he has recently published in his newsletter.  I like to quote Dr. Mercola from time to time because he is a trailblazer and "myth-buster"not afraid of challenging the status quo.  The following post is an synopsis of articles from his free newsletter at

    “Reading the Labels Won't Always Help

    I always advocate reading the labels on the foods and cleaning products you buy, but in the case of household cleaners even the most meticulous eye for labels won't get you very far.


    Because many of the most dangerous chemicals will not even be on the label. The manufacturers have conveniently lobbied the government to exempt them from this requirement and can omit any ingredient that is considered a secret formula from its label. Many of these non-disclosed ingredients are actually toxic and carcinogenic.

    Household goods are still very much an unregulated market. And, cleaning product manufacturers -- even those that claim to be "green" -- are not required by law to disclose all of their ingredients on their labels. So while it's still better to read the label than not, be aware that a lack of ingredient on a label doesn't necessarily mean it's not in the product!

    But most "green" cleaning products like Simple Green are still loaded with glycol ethers, which are anything but good for your health when inhaled or when they touch your skin. Folks, the simple truth is that if a substance cuts through grease and dirt any faster than soap and water, then there are chemicals in there that most likely aren't very good for your health.

    Many large corporations are chomping at the bit, eager to reach into the wallets of modern, environmentally concerned more and more consumers are learning about the dangers of the products they use in their homes, "green" environmentally friendly options have sparked an industry revolution with a growing number of companies offering their own versions of eco-friendly cleaners. Some examples are Clorox Green Works Natural All-Purpose Cleaner, Simple Green, and Purex Natural Elements.  Unfortunately, the terms "green" and "natural" are nothing more than marketing terms…

    If you want a real treat, please pick up and read a highly recommended book on this subject called Subliminal Persuasion: Influence & Marketing Secrets They Don't Want You To Know. This book reveals the systematic techniques used to form opinions or ideologies, in ways that we never suspect. Multinational corporations, like big drug companies, are using these techniques all the time to deceive you.”

    Mercola goes on to list toxins as glycol ethers, phthalates, perfumes, phosphates, and nonylpheno ethoxylates (NPEs), [which are banned in Europe because they are thought to be xenoestrogenic, causing male fish to become female fish in the world’s waterways.]  Other toxic chemicals found in cleaning products are formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), petroleum solvents, bultyl cellosolve, ammonia, chlorine, ethanolamies, and sodium lauryl sulfate.”

    Some of these chemicals are potentially carcinogenic, and some are irritants, exacerbate asthma, and may damage the kidneys and nervous system.  Safe cleaning products are listed as baking soda, white vinegar, lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, liquid castile soap—a stronger cleaning agent is vinegar combined with hydrogen peroxide.  I have done several posts that talk about chemicals causing estrogen dominance, a new health concern for many women, which is a hormonal imbalance leading to fatigue, low thyroid hormone, and even possibly cancer."
    Mercola has also cited research about cardiovascular exercise that challenges the status quo that I find interesting.  Check out Part II of this post that talks about the dangers of overdoing cardio and for more abbreviated articles from Mercola.

    A Votre Sante, (Here's to Your Health), Alix


    Tuesday, May 8, 2012

    Acupuncture Update

    After three weeks of acupuncture (one session per week), I am feeling a little more energetic.  My previous posts talk about adrenal fatigue and estrogen dominance. [Vitamin Research Newsletter, More on Estrogen Dominance posted 10/19/11, Adrenal Fatigue and Estrogen Dominance posted 9/6/11, Mercola Interviewed by Dr. Oz & Adrenal Fatigue/Estrogen Dominance posted 8/30/11]  After being exhausted on and off for years, I was finally diagnosed by a naturopath with chronic adrenal fatigue/estrogen dominance. 

    For a year and a half I have taken bio-identical hormones (Christine Northrup has discussed these natural hormones on the Dr. Oz show, so the term "bio-identical" is becoming more common.)  I finally found an explanation for being exhausted, sleeping 12 or more hours, and the recovery has been slow, but the acupuncturist says that I will only need a few more sessions. 

    After a few more acupuncture treatments, I will still be sleeping a lot for a couple of months (I'm at 10 hours now), and he says I will return to normal.  At this point, after eating all organic for a year and a half, and avoiding foods that cause inflammation (by taking the MRT food sensitivity test), I am willing to try anything.  Western medicine does not validate acupuncture, but this doctor has a great reputation. 

    Many women over the age of 35 (or younger) are estrogen dominant and don't know it, as the term is just now being accepted by Western Medicine.  This means the progesterone levels are too low, and this leads to exhaustion and adrenal fatigue (which is another term only now beginning to be accepted by Western Doctors.)  My acupuncturist is familiar with and commonly treats adrenal fatigue/estrogen dominance.

    Estrogen dominance is caused by stress and all the chemicals/xenoestrogens (foreign estrogens) in our soaps and detergents, as well as perfumes, makeup--even natural topical ingredients like tea tree oil, rosemary and lavender are xenoestrogenic.

    Right now over half the fish in American waterways are hermaphrodites due to the chemicals and detergents in the water.  There is also a risk for baby boys drinking soy formula to become hermaphroditic.  Americans jumped on the soy bandwagon without realizing that lowered risk of breast cancer is due to fermented soy like tempeh and soy sauce, not soy milk.  In fact, in holistic health, soy milk is now being linked to breast cancer because soy milk is estrogenic.

    I have several cousins who have also experienced adrenal fatigue and thyroid issues (adrenal fatigue often leads to thyroid problems), and they have each gone to natruopaths for the solution.  I will continue to work with my functional nutritionist/naturopath who recommends acupuncture treatments.  These treatments are $50 a session, which is inexpensive compared to all the shopping I am doing at Whole Foods and ordering special supplements.  Hopefully I will be able to report back in a future post with more energy after a few more acupuncture treatments.

    A Votre Sante, (Here's To Your Health), Alix

    Wednesday, April 25, 2012

    Acupuncture and Adrenal Fatigue

    I started this blog because I have adrenal fatigue and estrogen dominance, which I have written about in earlier posts.  As I talked about, I have been on an extensive naturalistic protocol for over a year, and a few days ago I decided to have acupuncture to help assist with my recovery.

    This was my first treatment, and I went to an experienced Chinese Medicine Doctor who used disposable needles, which he inserted for 20 minutes.  He also preformed cupping, using suction cups on my back to draw out the toxins.  This causes bruising, and the darker the color, the more treatments that are needed.   Actually, the Chinese medicine holds that these are not bruises, but toxins, and lymph coming out of the tissues.

    As soon as I told him about the adrenal fatigue, he immediately associated it with a hormonal imbalance, and has treated this many times.  During the session he took my pulse on both wrists and looked at my tongue, which are indicators of general health.  The needles are inserted in meridians, or energy channels in the body.  I was told I was low on "Liver Energy," and it was recommended that I take cinnamon and ginseng supplements to help with vitality.

    Based on the dark bruising, he said I would need 4 treatments, and that would heal the fatigue, although there might be a lag time for my sleeping to reduce to a normal 8-9 hours, due to the fact that my body will be coming out of exhaustion.

    Of course, as I perused the Internet, Western Medicine practitioners stated that they had no evidence that acupuncture works better than a placebo.  But Western medicine still is way behind on diet--my Western Medicine Doctor visited his diabetic patient in the hospital, and there was only one thing on the meal plate good for the patient.

    Western Medicine doesn't even acknowledge adrenal fatigue, although there was a segment on Dr. Oz (a mainstream indicator) about estrogen dominance, and Christine Northrup has a writeup of estrogen dominance on her blog.

    Where will I place my bet?  On Western Medicine that could do absolutely nothing about my exhaustion?  Or on this acupuncturist, who has literally cured patients of pericardia (3 treatments--this patient had been in and out of the hospital for 3 months to no avail), infertility (1 treatment), chronic and debilitating neck pain (several treatments for a condition that had lasted 10 years.)

    Well, we'll see.  I will report back after a few more treatments.  I do feel more energy, but certainly not enough after one treatment to say I'm cured.  Will acupuncture work?  More to come later...

    A Votre Sante (Here's to Your Health), Alix

    Tuesday, April 3, 2012

    GM crops cause disaster in India

    Once again, Dr. Mercola wrote a great article explaining how GM crops have led to the suicides of many Indian farmers--such important information now that the Gates foundation is funding GM seeds for poor farmers is clip from Mercola's article.  Mercola has a GREAT free newsletter, which really provides wonderful information on holistic health at

    "According to a publication from the New York University School of Lawi, in 2009 alone (the most recent year for which official figures are available) 17,638 Indian farmers committed suicide—that's one farmer every 30 minutes.

    Bt Cotton is a Debt Trap

    Bt cotton requires more pesticide sprayings than indigenous cotton—MANY times more. Bt cotton has created new resistant pests, and to control these, farmers must use 13 times more pesticides than they were using prior to its introduction. Rates of infestation by aphids, thrips, jassids, and other pests have risen since Bt cotton's introduction.

    Meanwhile, yields for Bt cotton are disappointingly low. Monsanto claims Bt cotton will yield 1500 kg per year, but farmers have gotten only 300 to 400 kg per year, average. High costs and unreliable output make GM cotton a debt trap. According to
    'When Monsanto first introduced Bt cotton in 2002, the farmers lost one billion rupees due to crop failure. Instead of 1,500 kilos per acre as promised by the company, the harvest was as low as 200 kilos per acre. Instead of incomes of 10,000 rupees an acre, farmers ran into losses of 6,400 rupees an acre… Poor peasants of the South cannot survive seed monopolies. The crisis of suicides shows how the survival of small farmers is incompatible with the seed monopolies of global corporations.' 
          [Mercola then continues to explain]
    1. Compared to traditional seed, genetically engineered seeds are very expensive and have to be repurchased every planting season
    2. Genetically engineered crops require much more water to grow, have much higher requirements for fertilizer and pesticide, in spite of Monsanto's claims to the contrary and, in spite of their cost to farmers, provide NO increased yield..."
    Right now there is a movement to label GM foods in the U.S.  GM crops are banned in many other countries, and in prior posts I have explained their dangers to health as well an article on World Food that talks about their dangers to poor farmers around the world.

    A Votre Sante (Here's to Your Health), Alix

    Monday, March 26, 2012

    The Food of Downton Abbey

    Hello again,

    Completely obsessed with Downton Abbey, I’ve spent a lot of time watching the episodes to figure out the layout of the first floor.  The whole reason I wanted to write this blog was to post a floor plan of Downton Abbey!!!  The map on the Highclere Castle website was illegible, and I was excited to be able to piece together a floor plan by watching the show!

    Later, of course, I found a map confirming my results that I have posted at the end of this blog.  In keeping with the theme of this blog, I have written about the food of Downton Abbey as well as farming practices during the Edwardian era.  I uploaded copyrighted pictures for this post, since this forum is for educational purposes only.

                           Courtesy (C) Carnival Film & Television Limited 2011 for Masterpiece

    Ivan Day, a preeminent British food historian interviewed by NPR explains that “The aristocracy saw food as a way of impressing people…some of it was very technically dazzling and difficult to do."  The cooks of the day were definitely skilled at sophisticated cuisines. 
    "It was very much the duty of the hostess and her staff to put very good food on the table when her husband and guests were being served," says Day,  "And they were able to do it because there was a skill base that was very large, because so many people were employed as servants — and particularly servants in kitchens."
    The Crawleys would have eaten four times a day—breakfast, lunch, tea time, and dinner.   Food depicted on the show has been typical of the era: meat pie, crepes, raspberry meringue.  I perused the internet and came up with some dishes that would have been served during the Edwardian era. 

    Typically each dinner would be comprised of 6-22 courses:  The first course would consist of soup and seafood.  Examples would be creamy watercress soup, oysters on the half shell and poached salmon with piccata sauce. 
    The entrée included meat and often featured poultry.  Mustard tarragon chicken, lamb stew with lemon and dill, filet mignon with mushrooms and mustard-red-wine sauce are typical dishes for the entree.
    The second course followed the entrée and would often include the heaviest meat and sauces—items such roast turkey with poached plums, roast mutton and roast leg of pork and or lamb were common.
    The third course would usually include game bird like squib, pigeon, and quail.  The last course would entail sweets like fruit jelly, meringue with roasted rhubarb and strawberry sauce, apple bread pudding, or jellied cranberry sauce.

    Drinks in the Library

    Their beverages include tea (of course), punch, scotch or wine.  The English use "Claret" as an all inclusive term meaning a red table wine usually from Bordeaux.  On the show, Anna provides instruction to Mr. Moseley on proper wine service at Downton, mentioning to him that the Crawleys don’t drink much of it, as there are about 5-6 varietals served with different courses of dinner. Cousin Isobel is seen drinking Pimm’s Cup, which is a mix of Pimm’s No.1 and lemonade, garnished with lemons, mint or fruit or cucumber—add gin.

                             Isobel drinking Pimm’s in the Great Hall/Saloon during the Servant’s Ball

    Many of the skilled servants were lost in the trenches or moved into industrial jobs after the WW1.  Lack of skilled staff and food shortages (that lasted well beyond the war) of sugar, cream and imported produce curbed the complexity of the menu.  "Our food culture got incredibly simplified, incredibly slimmed down — everybody was on an austerity program," Day says.

    The artisanal cheese-making culture nearly vanished as well. The aristocracy also began to lose their wealth and power due to taxes and political shifts.  "The people who were talented cooks worked for the nobility, the aristocracy and the gentry," Day says. "And all the knowledge of the food was in those places. And once you knocked out that social layer ... you lost that food culture.”  Due to war and economics the food rationing didn’t end until 1954 when British cooking was able to make a comeback.

    I imagined that the food of Downton Abbey came from family-owned, idyllic, small organic farms, but the Edwardian era was quite modern in terms of farming as well as cooking.  WWI food shortages resulted in the importation of 5,000 tractors ordered from Henry Ford.  (Hence Edith was able to drive a tractor in the second season.)

    The agricultural revolution had started in Great Britain during the early 1700s, so by the Edwardian era, crop rotation, fertilizers, irrigation, and early toxic pesticides—arsenic and lead, sulfur, copper, mercury—were common.
    Crop rotation (rather than fields lying fallow) and selective breeding increased livestock productivity through the winter--which increased the availability of meat and dairy products year around.

    Although there wasn’t modern erosion control, or sophisticated soil conservation, or government-backed irrigation, and DDT had not been invented yet, the enclosure movement in England eliminated traditional smallholdings, combining the land into larger tracts that could be more efficiently farmed.  Most farms in Europe had electrical power by the mid-1930s.  All in all, both farming and dining were sophisticated during the times of Downton Abbey.  The sophistication and elegance of Downton Abbey as a whole are depicted from photos at the Highclere website. (

                                                 Two Pictures of the Saloon (Great Hall) 
    The far doors of the Saloon open to the Entrance Hall/The Christmas tree at the South end of the Saloon

    This following floor plan is slightly blurry, but I found it at  (CLICK ON THE MAP TO ENLARGE) This is the only legible map I could find on the internet.  There is an illegible floor plan on the Highclere website, but, by watching the show, I was able to place the rooms used on Downton Abbey—later confirmed by the following map. 

                                                   CLICK ON THE MAP TO ENLARGE



    The rooms depicted on the show include the Entrance Hall (with telephone), Saloon/Great Hall (with Christmas tree), Library (with secret door in bookcase) & Small Library/North library, the Music room (which shown only briefly on the show) and the Drawing room (many scenes are filmed here.)   

    For reference, at the beginning the Christmas special (1st season), Daisy walks a path starting in the Music room, through the Drawing Room into the Great Hall /Saloon to admire the Christmas tree, and then down the servants stairs just north of the Dining Room.     

    The Double-Library includes the Small/North Library beyond the pillars. (The direction is reversed on the map.)

    The Music Room leads to the Library, which has a hidden door disguised as a bookshelf.

                                                                       Drawing Room

    Highclere’s smoking room, pink room/morning room, and secretary’s room are not used on the show.  In real life, Maggie Smith rests in between takes in Highclere’s morning room/pink room on the map. (See these rooms at 

    However, there is one “mystery room” on the show with mustard yellow walls and full of marble statues depicted in the first season.  I call it the mystery room, because it is not pictured on the Highclere website.

    In the “mystery room” scene, Cora is sitting at her desk when the Dowager Countess enters the room saying, “The Ambassador is dangerous, but then how many people really go to the Turkish Embassy…we can’t have him assassinated—I suppose?” 

    I think this room may be Cora’s boudoir/downstairs sitting room.  Early in the second season Cora and the family are told to use the boudoir and small/north library for their private quarters when Downton Abbey is used as a WW1 convalescent home. 

    A boudoir can be an upstairs or downstairs sitting room.  The mystery room looks like it is on the first floor,  so I’m guessing that it is actually the real Highclere Study —when I’m trying to piece these rooms together, I always feel like I’m playing the board game “Clue.”

    On the show the staff dining room would be located directly below the Crawley’s dining room, and the kitchen (sometimes called it the scullery) would be located in the basement north of the staff dining room, along with Carson’s office and Misses Hugh’s sitting room.  Outside of which I can almost smell the Downton Abbey servants' dinner of lamb stew...hopefully Mrs. Pattmore won't put too much salt in it.

    A Votre Sante (Here's to Your Health), Alix

    Monday, February 20, 2012

    Root Canals Linked To Cancer and Other Disease

    This is the third in the series of my triple header on Mercola excerpts--this article is great, I have never heard this before.  I like to reference Dr. Mercola's articles from time to time because he has a team of researchers who go through a thousand pages of research per day (according to Mercola on an interview with Dr. Oz.)

    The following post is an ammended version of Mercola's article about the link between root canals to cancer and other diseases:

    Mercola states, "Most dentists would be doing an enormous service to public health if they familiarized themselves with the work of Dr. Weston Price.  Unfortunately, his work continues to be discounted and suppressed by medical and dental professionals alike...

    Dr. Price was a dentist and researcher who traveled the world to study the teeth, bones, and diets of native populations living without the "benefit" of modern food. Around the year 1900, Price had been treating persistent root canal infections and became suspicious that root-canaled teeth always remained infected, in spite of treatments. Then one day, he recommended to a woman, wheelchair bound for six years, to have her root canal tooth extracted, even though it appeared to be fine...

    She agreed, so he extracted her tooth and then implanted it under the skin of a rabbit. The rabbit amazingly developed the same crippling arthritis as the woman and died from the infection 10 days later. But the woman, now free of the toxic tooth, immediately recovered from her arthritis and could now walk without even the assistance of a cane....

    Price discovered that it's mechanically impossible to sterilize a root-canaled (e.g. root-filled) tooth.
    He then went on to show that many chronic degenerative diseases originate from root-filled teeth—the most frequent being heart and circulatory diseases. He actually found 16 different causative bacterial agents for these conditions. But there were also strong correlations between root-filled teeth and diseases of the joints, brain and nervous system...

    Dr. Price went on to write two groundbreaking books in 1922 detailing his research into the link between dental pathology and chronic illness. Unfortunately, his work was deliberately buried for 70 years, until finally one endodontist named George Meinig recognized the importance of Price's work and sought to expose the truth...[Mercola article continues]

    Root Canals Can Lead to Heart, Kidney, Bone, and Brain Disease

    As long as your immune system remains strong, any bacteria that stray away from the infected tooth are captured and destroyed. But once your immune system is weakened by something like an accident or illness or other trauma, your immune system may be unable to keep the infection in check.

    These bacteria can migrate out into surrounding tissues by hitching a ride into your blood stream, where they are transported to new locations to set up camp. The new location can be any organ or gland or tissue.

    Dr. Price was able to transfer diseases harbored by humans to rabbits, by implanting fragments of root-canaled teeth, as mentioned above. He found that root canal fragments from a person who had suffered a heart attack, when implanted into a rabbit, would cause a heart attack in the rabbit within a few weeks.

    He discovered he could transfer heart disease to the rabbit 100 percent of the time! Other diseases were more than 80 percent transferable by this method. Nearly every chronic degenerative disease has been linked with root canals, including:
    • Heart disease
    • Kidney disease
    • Arthritis, joint, and rheumatic diseases
    • Neurological diseases (including ALS and MS)
    • Autoimmune diseases (Lupus and more)
    There may also be a cancer connection. Dr. Robert Jones, a researcher of the relationship between root canals and breast cancer, found an extremely high correlation between root canals and breast cancer.  He claims to have found the following correlations in a five-year study of 300 breast cancer cases:
    • 93 percent of women with breast cancer had root canals
    • 7 percent had other oral pathology
    • Tumors, in the majority of cases, occurred on the same side of the body as the root canal(s) or other oral pathology
    Dr. Jones claims that toxins from the bacteria in an infected tooth or jawbone are able to inhibit the proteins that suppress tumor development. A German physician reported similar findings. Dr. Josef Issels reported that, in his 40 years of treating "terminal" cancer patients, 97 percent of his cancer patients had root canals. If these physicians are correct, the cure for cancer may be as simple as having a tooth pulled, then rebuilding your immune system..."
    If you would like to read the full article, I recommend subscribing to Mercola's newsletter at  His database contains this article and many other great ones. 

    Wow, I never though a root canal could lead to such problems provided that a person's immune system was weakened.  After reading this, I will be taking care to never be put in a position to have a root canal.

    A Votre Sante  (Here's to Your Health), Alix

    Deadly Vaccines and Children

    This is the first in a triple header of quoted Mercola articles.  While my last two posts were longer and fleshed out articles about World Food and GMOs,  I haven't quoted Mercola in a while.  Nobody does expose quite like Mercola.

    "The first principle of the Nuremberg Code—that doctors must obtain voluntary informed consent from the person about to be experimented on—appears to be frequently ignored, especially when it comes to clinical trials of experimental vaccines.

    In recent news, the Argentinean Federation of Health Professionals accused GlaxoSmithKline of misleading participants and pressuring impoverished, disadvantaged families into enrolling their children in clinical trials of the experimental Synflorix pediatric pneumonia vaccine.  Fourteen of the children participating in the experimental vaccine trial died...

    This certainly is not the first time children have died during drug company trials. It's also not the first time a pharmaceutical company has been accused of being less than completely honest about experimental vaccine or drug risks, when they want to persuade poor, under-educated people into signing up for clinical trials...

    For example, according to Nigerian authorities, Pfizer illegally tested an unapproved drug on children with brain infections at a field hospital in 1996. Eleven of the children died and dozens were disabled before the illegal activity was exposed...

    Similarly, two years ago, the Indian government suspended Merck's Gardasil study after they discovered that four of the young clinical trial participants had died after receiving Gardasil, and more than 120 girls suffered severe adverse reactions. A civil society-led investigation into the vaccine trial highlighted serious violations of ethical guidelines for clinical research and informed consent rights of study participants or their legal guardians...

    Pediatric Anthrax Vaccine—A Disaster in the Making?

    [Mercola states that] Last year, I interviewed Dr. Meryl Nass about anthrax, and she was the one who brought this terrible situation to my attention. The idea of public health officials promoting the testing of anthrax vaccine on children is truly unfathomable considering the fact that the military's controversial mandatory anthrax vaccination program has already resulted in many reports of anthrax vaccine injuries and deaths in soldiers and civilian military personnel. Side effects occur in one to two percent of those given anthrax vaccine and 11 percent of all anthrax vaccine adverse event reports are considered serious.

    The FDA's definition of a "serious adverse reaction" to a vaccine includes a reaction that leads to:
    • Hospitalization
    • Permanent disability
    • Life-threatening event
    • Death...
    In Dr. Nass' words:
    "It's completely crazy, and it's illegal. It can only be done because the Department of Health and Human Services is denying that there are serious adverse reactions...He's [the D.O.H. researcher] a very unethical researcher. He is a pharmacist with a PhD, and of course where did he go after he left the military? He went to Merck and works as a so-called scientist in their vaccine division… Merck knew that this guy was unethical; that he was cooking the books on the research, and they hired him anyway." "
    Again, nobody does expose like Mercola, and I'm glad he is a nationally known leader in cautioning people about the dangers of vaccines.  I have done prior posts on vaccines, and I won't be getting one any time soon.

    A Votre Sante (Here's to Your Health,) Alix