Saturday, September 5, 2020

Chronic Fatigue - Overcoming Feeling Like You're Being Punished

CFS a Way Out

Hello again,

Welcome! I have a distinctive perspective about CFS, and as always, everyone is on their own journey, so take what you like and leave the rest...

I write the following post speaking from A LOT - years, years, years - of experience and having tried many, many protocols for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and with all my heart and soul, I wish for you to find the way out.


My doctor wrote a book about CFS where he talks about the inherent sexism (since mostly women experience it) in that people don't believe us - and this has been the hardest part for me regarding the mental game in dealing with the loss of a normal life.

I was made fun of again today. My wonderful family member (whom I love VERY much) joked, "Oh, I was thinking of taking a nap, and sleep made me think of you - so I called."  I have been the butt of a lot of  jokes for 30 years for sleeping - my life away, actually.

When you have chronic fatigue, you are actually a member of a minority, and recent social events reveal how minorities are often treated:  Minimized, not listened to, and made to feel like they are invisible.

Unfortunately when I tell someone I have chronic fatigue, the comment I most often hear is, "Don't you think it's all in your head?"

Pain, Sickness, Exhaustion

Frankly, this is excruciating, after 30 years of sleeping 10-12 hours a day, pain, always being sick, isolation because I lay down all the time, loss of friends, loss of playing music (I'm an accomplished jazz musician).

I can handle the physical pain (borderline fibromyalgia, curling up in a ball crying), I accept the loss of thousands of dollars in supplements and doctors that didn't work, and the loss of...not exaggerating....probably 100Kish from having to work part-time for several years and having my career vastly interrupted.

I really hate the physical pain and confusion and collapsing - yes, you can actually collapse from exhaustion, and it's happened to me many times.

I hate that I have to modify every single area of my life, every detail, and spend most of it at home.

There's A Way Out

I don't write this to feel sorry for myself, but to tell you that you are not alone, and there is a way out of feeling beaten down by life.

Seven years ago I found a great holistic Doctor, and although his medication didn't work (I gained 20lbs, my hair started to fall out, I got a rash all over my face - the meds made my condition worse) he was smart enough and humble enough to send me to acupuncture and a homeopath.

Acupuncture definitely works for CFS - I haven't collapsed in a long while, and I don't hurt as much. (I also did Bowen massage therapy, as even mild fibro can hurt a lot - fibro is sometimes misdiagnosed as autoimmune, and mine is mostly reversed).

Medical Medium

But the real answer didn't come until I read Anthony William's book Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal.  His eating protocol changed my life and, in fact, I have an appointment with one of his Healing Ambassadors Nicole Galante in a couple of weeks, to help with supplements and even to get a reading. 

(Anthony Williams, the Medical Medium, is considered one of the most credible and legitimate medical intuitives living today.)

Remember the old (now humorous) George H.W. Bush quote "Read my lips, there will be no new taxes."  

Well, read my lips...There is "technically" no such thing as fibro or autoimmune disease, these are only symptoms - the body isn't attacking itself - in fact, viruses are...but there is no Western Medicine test for viruses in the liver.

Here's a wonderful recording of Anthony. The answers come around 35:00 - clearing hidden Epstein-Barr virus is easy and not scary. (Again, a test won't pick up the virus hidden inside organs).

That is good news!  We can change the way we eat!  We can do something!  I am no longer stuck in Western Medicine's gray area...because eating the correct foods makes ALL the difference in the world for me.

You might want to consider reading Anthony William's first book, Medical Medium.  It doesn't cost much compared to all the doctors visits and supplements, and it's a HUGELY powerful book to have in your arsenal.

Here's to Your Success

I love, you, I know there are hundreds of you are out there, I know we've been through the same thing. 

This was my life - can you imagine trying to hide pain and exhaustion for 30 years and no one, including doctors, believe you?  I'm sure you can because you've experienced it!

The Medical Medium eating protocol is one of the few things that's worked for me, and it might be helpful for you too.

I hope folks have found this post useful...again, take what you like and leave the rest!



Postscript - Full transparency, a day after I wrote this I got cocky and ate some frozen mac and cheese - dairy, gluten, eggs, msg ("natural flavors").  I woke up with a splitting headache and will spend most of the day laying down. Slipping is part of the process, live and learn!  I'm even more motivated now - see what Anthony Williams says about why eggs, gluten, dairy, sugar, processed foods make chronic fatigue worse.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Chemical Scents and COVID-19

Hello again,

The COVID-19 pandemic has led me to share some information about chemical scents that I would not normally disclose to my family, friends and acquaintances (unless they specifically ask me about it).  

But with the outbreak affecting the lungs, this information may be pertinent during this time. Here’s to your health…

Toxic Ingredients

The FDA does not regulate air fresheners or scented candles which often contain formaldehyde, phthalates, DDT (dichlorobenzine was banned as a pesticide in 1972 for links to cancer and birth defects), and other highly toxic chemicals.

Since the late sixties incense smoke has been known to contain a multitude of possible carcinogens, including polyaromatic hydrocarbons, carbonyls and benzene.

Scented candles and air fresheners contain a chemical that intentionally desensitizes a person’s sense of smell, causing the consumer to use even more of the product and be unaware of its strength.

Chemical scent residue can eventually build up on walls and carpets, continually emitting carcinogens.

Endocrine Disruptors

Toxic fragrances are known endocrine disruptors that can contribute to cancer and other conditions. 

This can include perfumes, scented laundry detergent, and even scented dryer sheets which now contain BPA (another known carcinogen) that melts into the clothes.

Due to these chemicals, half the fish in America’s waterways are now hermaphrodites. 

They are affecting the wildlife and people as well.

Endocrine disruptors can cause “man-boobs” and estrogenic weight gain in women. These chemicals are also carcinogenic, as small amounts have a great impact on the endocrine system.


Since chemical scents are not regulated by FDA, mainstream medicine doesn’t have any reference point to recommend limiting exposure. Toxic chemicals are slipped into the ingredients since they are unregulated.

The Holistic community across the board agrees are these scents are detrimental and carcinogenic.

A holistic thought leader Anthony William (author of Liver Rescue) explains scented candles and chemical scents are bad for the lungs, asthma, and are “more toxic than cigarette smoke.”

Limiting exposure during the pandemic may be wise.

For Your Consideration

Some people feel their candle is emitting a “lovely smell” – yes, DDT does have a sweet smell, which is why it’s often used. 

If you feel you are not at risk from these carcinogens, please consider the risk of using them around children, older adults, and those with chemical sensitivities.  

In general, those of us with chemical sensitivities experience immediate symptoms (including difficulty breathing) and carcinogenic effects on our bodies. 

It's a very bad experience, and to us the smell can be "sickeningly sweet" - e.g. your candle does not smell so good.  


What are your deepest values?  Are chemical fragrances worth the risk of exposure?  If not you, then what about risks to the health of those around you?

Please consider this post to be an opportunity. Maybe you’re reading this post today because “the Universe has got your back” and is offering awareness - and working on your behalf for your health.

Products labeled "natural" can contain any chemical substance, so "Certified Organic" may be the best way to go. 

Best Wishes to You,

