Thursday, July 30, 2015

Natural Cures for Depression

Thanks for the comments everyone, I am getting a lot of readers of this blog.

I received a comment about natural cures for depression.  What strikes me is that most doctors are not giving the very easy urine-test for neurotransmitters.  This test is only about $90 without insurance coverage.  The test provides a neurotransmitter profile to assess the different levels of serotonin, dopamine etc.. 

In Europe, St. John's wort is used as a natural remedy for depression, and some western medicine doctors are now using it here in the states. 

Be sure to have a qualified medical professional who is experienced and can guide you through the process.  A lot of people are concerned about the dangers of pharmaceutical antidepressants hence the interest in St. John's Wort.

Exercise, counseling and checking for other conditions that might mask as depression, such as adrenal fatigue, might be appropriate.  Getting help from a qualified professional who is experienced in natural cures-- there are many western medical doctors who are also naturopaths--can reveal all the potential options for treating depression, including a healthy diet.

Check out this blog from Whole Health Chicago that talks about St. John's wort--they even talk about doses at the end of the blog.  Again, make sure you are seeing a qualified health professional instead of treating yourself. 

Whole Health Chicago has western medical doctors who use St. John's Wort.

A Votre Sante (Here's To Your Health), Alix

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Europeans are Terrified of American food!

Look how terrified Europeans are of American food!  The following is a reaction by the E.U. to a trade deal that opens up the importing of American foods/meat to the E.U.

From the Washington Post:
"In October, tens of thousands of people from 22 E.U. countries took to the streets to protest the deal... 
Even in Britain — a nation hardly known for the glories of its national cuisine — fear and loathing of modified American foods, and the trade deal in general, appear to be running surprisingly strong...
'It's possibly one of the most dangerous agreements,' the British TV chef Jamie Oliver told the Times of London. He added: 'We don't have hormones in our meat; that's banned. But not over there. We don't have hundreds of poisons and pesticides that have been proven to be carcinogenic. They do.'"

We are lagging behind the rest of the world:  We still have BPA in our cans while these are banned in Canadian cans.  Only a few states label GMOs while they are completely banned in many countries in Europe.  (Think about how poisonous something must be to get banned--such as DDT and Agent Orange.)

According to Oxfam, by 2016 1% of the population will control 99% of the world's wealth. There is big money in pesticide-hormone factory farming, as well as the selling of GMO seeds by companies like Monsanto.  Until we take back our country from big corporations, this situation will continue.

Many Americans can't even name common foods that are genetically modified.  (Canola Oil, corn, corn oil, cottonseed oil, soy, soy lecithin.)  They are not aware of numerous studies showing the health risks of GMOs. 

By the way, there is not such thing as a Canola plant. The word Canola comes from the hybrid of the words "Canada" and "oil."  Canola oil comes from the rapeseed plant, which is so toxic that it kills farm animals, and rapeseed oil is only used on farm equipment.

The Gates foundation gives GMO seeds to poor farmers in third world countries, who cannot afford to buy them year after year, the seeds destroy the soil, and GMO crops do not ultimately yield greater amounts of crops. 

Why would the Gates foundation do this when every major NGO says not to give poor farmers GMO seeds?!  When Bill Gates started giving away GMO seeds, he simultaneously invested a lot of money in Monsanto, --when his foundation donates these seeds, his Monsanto stock goes up. 

An example of how these seeds affect poor third world farmers:  GMO cotton crops failed to produce promised yields in India resulting in mass suicides (between 10,000-30,000 people) of Indian farmers. 

The reason for all this ignorance in America is the difficulty for the media to report on anything about GMOs or vaccines resulting in autism, or the ills of the food industry because their ads will be pulled.

Also, it takes time for the general public to even accept that the food they eat is toxic--including the fluoride in tap water, which is a neurotoxin.  Hence, NYC has a proposition to eliminate fluoride in their drinking water. 

Hopefully more and more people will join the grass roots movement for holistic health and awareness about the food industry.  Blogs like this, people like Joseph Mercola, and the outcropping of holistic health coaches are part of a larger movement to raise awareness about the food crisis in America.

A Votre Sante (Here's To Your Health) Alix
