Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Review of The Mars Venus Diet and Exercise Solution

I was listening to a free talk given by John Gray, who wrote Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.  He has a book called The Mars Venus Diet and Exercise Solution.  I actually don't follow these prescriptives, because I eat for my type, according to metabolic typing.  I'm a protein type as I discussed in an earlier blog.

There are so many "diet plans," out there--all written by so-called experts that one could become confused by reading them all.  John Gray recommends eating all three groups--carbs, protein, and fat--in one meal, but he is not concerned with the ratio of the three.  This is where Metabolic Typing offers a different perspective--eating based on your type.  This means combining protein, carbs and fat into a ratio based on your individual needs.  This is the type of eating I do, as discussed in previous blogs, to reduce my adrenal fatigue.

John Gray says that men need more protein to produce dopamine, since men usually run low on dopamine during stress.  He states that women need a little more fat than men to boost prostaglandin, which will in turn boost serotonin, since women tend to run low on serotonin when under stress.  He also recommends taking trace minerals.  I think John Gray does good research, and interestingly, the introduction is written by Dr. Daniel Amen, a brain chemistry expert, who I talked about in a different blog.  I also take trace minerals from time to time due to their depletion from the soil.

I tried John Gray's plan a couple years ago, and it did not help my adrenal fatigue.   I like the fact that John Gray is talking about balancing hormones (serotonin and dopamine).  For me, because of my Estrogen Dominance, this is done directly through bioidentical hormones.  I take natural progesterone, pregnenolone, and DHEA.  These will correct the estrogen dominance/hormonal imbalance and therefore have a cascade effect that will improve serotonin production. Also, Gray doesn't believe in letting blood sugar get too high or low, which is generally agreed upon in holistic health.  I eat every three hours to keep my blood sugar level balanced.

And I do like a couple of the recipe suggestions in Gray's book: quesadillas made with corn tortillas, mozzarella cheese, avocado, with chicken or black beans, and also cheese omelet with vegetables such as zucchini, yellow squash, bell peppers, mushrooms, onion, and tomato.  Gray also recommends drinking a glass of water with lemon juice, aloe vera, trace minerals, and honey first thing in the morning to assist with cleansing the liver and lymphatic system.  I like that Gray is talking about cleansing,  which is a common theme in holistic health.  He also talks about eating healthier carbs rather than sugar or ones with a high glycemic index.

I bring up Gray's work to distinguish it from Metabolic Typing.   I think choosing an eating plan for health really depends on which health professional you choose to follow.  Right now I am following a lot of the information provided by Paul Chek in How to Eat Move and Be Healthy. 

Before I started Metabolic Typing and following the advice of my holistic health practitioner, Kristie Yaakoby, I was always hungry and I was eating constantly just to feel full.  Also, I really believe in organic eating, especially considering the fact that I am overcoming adrenal fatigue.  As I have written about in a previous post, Kristie recommended a host of supplements plus bioidentical hormones to help with my adrenal fatigue and estrogen dominance.

There are so many contradictory theories about avoiding starchy foods, eating a balanced amount of starchy foods, and even eating starchy foods to lift one's mood.  Gray recommends women eating sweet potatoes to produce serotonin in the morning, saying that this is a common morning meal in Japan, and that there is no word in Japanese for hot flash or PMS. 

Judith Wurtman, PhD and former director of the Research program in Women's Health at the MIT Clinical Research Center,  says that women who don't eat enough carbs may lack serotonin, and that eating carbs alone can raise the normal fluctuations in mood.  She says 99% of people have a decline in mood around 4pm and can raise serotonin by eating starchy snacks/meals of pasta, potatoes, polenta, rice, oatmeal, or soup with a side of crusty bread.  She has a book called The Serotonin Power Diet.  Again, more confusing information, when there are other health professionals (Mercola) saying to avoid starchy foods altogether.

Usually, I get low energy when I'm hungry and getting low blood sugar.  I stick to the Metabolic Typing plan, which is more specific about balancing protein, carbs and fats than John Gray's plan, and, for me, since I'm a protein type, less carbohydrate oriented than Wurtman's plan, and less extreme than Mercola's suggestion to avoid all starchy vegetables--hence somewhere in the middle of the three other recommendations.  I think it's good that there is so much research going on about the effects of food on our moods, and hopefully one day all the scattered and dichotomous research will be fleshed out and eventually converge.

A Votre Sante, (Here's to Your Health), Alix

Monday, November 28, 2011

No, Not Potato Chips!!!

I thought I was safe eating non-GMO potato chips, but according to a 2005 study conducted by the Environmental Law Foundation, all potato chips contain a naturally occurring carcinogenic material called acrylamide.  (www.envirolaw.org/report_how_potato_chips_stack_up.pdf)   Acrylamide is a byproduct caused by heating starchy foods to high temperatures. These carbohydrate rich foods include potatoes, bread (toast), and even coffee beans.

The federal limit for acrylamide in  drinking water is about .12 micrograms for an 8 oz. glass of water--.5 parts per billion.  According to the report, potato chips can contain up to 910 times that amount.   Some of the worst offenders were Cape Cod Robust Russet (910x the amount), Kettle Chips that are lightly salted (505x), and Kettle Chips, honey dijon, (405x). 

In 2005 California sued potato chip makers resulting in a settlement whereby Frito Lay and some others agreed to lower the acrylamide level to 275 ppb by 2011.   This will prevent them from having to issue a cancer warning label in California.  Again, federal law restricts the acrylamide level in water to .5 parts per billion. 

I absolutely love potato chips, but I think I will avoid them for now.  I am going to call Whole Foods and Trader Joes to see if I can find out what the levels of acrylamide are in their house brand chips (I usually eat their ruffles chips brands), and I will post the results if I can get them.

By the way, here's an interesting fact; Pringles contain only small amounts of potatoes.  They are a conglomeration of rice, wheat, corn, and potato flakes.  Also, speaking of heating things up to high temperatures, when oils reach their smoke point, they oxidize and partially hydrogenate creating trans fats.  Coconut oil is a great oil to use, because it has a high smoke point.  Oils that have lower smoke points are olive, corn, safflower, sunflower, and canola. 

A Votre Sante, (Here's to Your Health), Alix

Friday, November 11, 2011

Dr. David Williams--Follow up on Depression

As I mentioned in a previous post, I recently subscribed to Dr. David Williams' online newsletter.  Here is a great link to a Dr. Williams post that talks about depression.  This link offers another alternative look at this condition.  (See my prior post about Dr. Andrew Weil and Dr. Amen on depression.)

Dr. Williams' article states "...the difference in improvement between patients taking antidepressants and placebos was not clinically significant..."  In other words, SSRIs--selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors--have a long list of side effects but studies have shown they don't work for mild/moderate depression (there were positive results for severe depression.) 

The SSRIs include Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Luvox, and Effexor.  Another part of this article says, "...we now know that taking these antidepressants also doubles one's risk of the worst consequence of the problem they're being used to treat: suicide..."

Dr. Williams then goes on to talk about the connection between depression and adrenal, thyroid and pituitary imbalance.  In a previous post I wrote about Dr. Weil's recommendation for Ashwagandha and Rhodiola for depression.  In doing research on the Internet, I discovered these herbs are often recommended for adrenal fatigue, which makes sense, since Williams links depression with glandular imbalance.


A Votre Sante (Here's to Your Health), Alix

Dr. Weil & Dr. Amen, Natural Cures for Depression

Wow!  I usually am not interested in the Dr. Oz show, but today I watched clips on his website of Dr. Andrew Weil talking about his own experience with depression.  Dr. Weil had mild/moderate depression and anxiety in his 20s, and in his 40s he was given a prescription for antidepressant medication.  Dr. Weil could only tolerate the medication for five days, because he felt that the medication numbed his body and mind. 

Dr. Weil explains that there is a mass epidemic of depression in America with 1/10 adults on medication for it.  He says, however, that the pharmaceutical industry is pushing medication for ordinary sadness, so perhaps a third of those cases may be unnecessarily medicated.  Dr. Weil also suggests that mood shifts are normal and that some temporary mild depression occurs naturally from time to time.  However, Dr. Weil does offer a host of natural solutions for ongoing mild/moderate depression.

Weil holds that the greatest solution for depression is exercise.  He also recommends daily dietary supplements of 2-3 grams of  fish oil, 2000 iu of Vitamin D, 50 mcg of B6, 100 mcg of B12, and 400 mcg of folate.  He also recommends a daily multivitamin.

Other tactics to heal depression include cutting back on caffeine because it affects moods.  Weil recommends eliminating processed foods.  Artificial foods can lead to inflammation in the body, and this can cause depression.  He also suggests getting off the computer by 8pm information overload affects the brain. 

More remedies include acupuncture with a practitioner experienced in treating depression and touch in general which produces oxytocin, the feel good hormone.  Weil recommends standing with an erect posture, because people with depression often stand with a sunken chest, which can alter thoughts towards depression. 

He also suggests feeling and expressing gratitude often along with forgiveness and reparation of damaged relationships to remove emotional stress.  He contends that "social connection protects us from depression."  He explains that massive depression is unheard of in primitive cultures for many reasons--healthier eating, physical exercise, being exposed to natural light cycles and social support.

Dr. Weil recommends experimenting with Ashwagandha if depression is associated with anxiety.  This is a natural substance that is also called Indian Ginseng and is safe for long term use.  Weil calls Ashwagandha "stress protective with a mild relaxive effect."

Another supplement Weil describes as "quite safe" is SAMe (S-adenoslymethionine), which is fast acting.  It takes effect within 24-48 hours.  It can be stimulating and is not to be taken at night or by people with a bipolar disorder.

Rhodiola, an herb native to Tibet, is another supplement that is mood elevating and leads to more mental clarity and focus. 

Weil cautions not to take more than one of these at a time (Ashwagandha, SAMe, Rhodiola)  He says to experiment with each one separately and then discover if they are effective.

Dr. Daniel Amen is another Western Medical Doctor that recommends natural remedies for depression.  He has been a practicing psychiatrist for over thirty years, and ultimately turned towards natural solutions for depression/anxiety after years of prescribing pharmaceutical medication. 

Amen uses brain scans to view the entire brain and then make recommendations for supplements.  According to Amen there are many types of depression which are often coupled with anxiety.  He defines pure depression as a state of sadness, low energy and hopelessness. (He treats this with SAMe)

Dr. Amen also describes the state of pure anxiety as one where a person usually predicts the worst outcome in many situations.  (Amen uses L-Theanine, Guava, B6, Magnesium, Valerian, and Cava Cava to treat this.)

Amen talks about a state of mixed anxiety and depression. (treated with L-Theanine and SAMe) 

Another condition he explains is overfocused anxiety and depression, where one can't let go of worry and holds grudges, often getting into arguments.  (treated with St. John's Wort, 5htp, Saffron, and serotonin medication)

He talks about a cyclic state such as severe PMS or bipolar disorder. (treated with Guava, Fish oil)

Another mode is unfocused anxiety and depression. (treated with Green tea, Ginseng)

Dr. Amen has several offices around the country where he does the brain scans in order to make recommendations.  Interestingly, he says that pharmaceutical medication is only effective on one out of the seven kinds of depression/anxiety, which is the over focused type.   He is also able to scan for ADHD and Alzheimer's, and offers natural supplements for treating those as well.

He also suggests eating 4-5 meals a day, because blood sugar is crucial to brain health.  He recommends getting at lease 6 hours of sleep, exercise, and also getting lab tests for medical issues of low thyroid, low testosterone, and low vitamin D, which can lead to depression.  He also uses medical hypnosis to help his patients.

I highly recommend going to Dr. Amen's website for more information, because my information is based on notes I scrawled during an interview I heard with him on the Internet, which I think is no longer available.  I think it is very interesting to have these two alternative viewpoints by Dr. Weil and Dr. Amen to add to the mix of conventional western medicine in the treatment of depression.

I haven't tried any of these supplements except for the usual-- fish oil (krill oil in my case), vitamin D (I take 4000IU daily per research done by Dr. Mercola), and B supplements/a multivitamin.  Neither Dr. Amen--in the interview I heard--nor Dr. Weil (on Dr. Oz) recommended dosages.   

More information can be found at www.AmenClinics.com and in Weil's new book Spontaneous Happiness.  I am not recommending either of their treatments, but it is great to have alternative viewpoints being presented to people who can then decide for themselves which treatment route to take.

I would probably not go to one of Dr. Amen's clinics, because, if health care doesn't cover the expense, the cost is a little over $3000 for a comprehensive evaluation--plus, I am leery of having a radioactive isotope injected for the scan--even if it is a very small amount.  From my previous blogs, you may have read that I like to err on the side of caution.  If I were to try any of these treatments, I would probably follow the more cost effective suggestions offered by Dr. Weil--but I would only take them with the support of a Holistic Health Practitioner.

A Votre Sante (Here's to Your Health), Alix

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sign Petition to Label GMOs

This is a link to a petition being sent to President Obama and the Commissioner of the FDA.  Obama made a promise when running for office to label all GMO foods.  The petition is being put together by Food Democracy Now and, as can be read in the petition, 93% of Americans polled want GMOs to be labeled.  There are already 15 countries in the European Union that require labeling.  Russia, China, Australia, and many more countries also implement mandatory labeling of GMOs.


A Votre Sante, (Here's To Your Health), Alix

Monday, November 7, 2011

Pharma Companies & Vaccines ($$$)

I used to be a social worker who supported developmentally disabled adults.  One day I was chatting with the mother of  one of my clients.  My client, who was mentally challenged, was not born with a disability.  She became disabled after having a seizure due to a vaccination.  In fact, she and her parents won a joint lawsuit against the company that made the vaccine.   (She was born in the early 1970's)

Before I started reading Mercola's newsletter I had no idea that vaccines were still dangerous to some, especially children.  I also didn't know that vaccines are not always effective (see my blog about the CDC).  I think Mercola's outspoken opposition against pharmaceutical companies' aggressive push of vaccinations is very important.

In a post today he talks about pharmaceutical companies being immune to lawsuits over vaccines, and the fact that Pharma Companies are pushing to make many vaccinations mandatory.  He states,  "In February of this year, drug companies got what they wanted all along: the U.S. Supreme Court gave Pharma total immunity from lawsuits..."

Mercola continues, "Pharma is funding medical organizations profiting from mass vaccination policies to press politicians into quickly passing laws that force Americans to buy and use dozens of doses of vaccines...But what happens if a vaccine given to a child without the parent's consent ends up injuring or killing a child? Is anyone accountable? No. Nobody is liable in a court of law to be tried before a jury of our peers when our children and grandchildren are injured or die after getting vaccinated – not the drug companies that made the vaccines; not the federal health officials, who licensed and recommend the vaccines; not the doctor or medical worker, who gave the vaccines; and not the state politician, who voted for vaccine mandates or looked the other way while state health officials added another new vaccine to the required list..."

He condends, "Nobody is held accountable or liable when a child is injured or killed by vaccines in America except the parent of that child, whose informed consent rights may have been violated by fellow citizens wielding power they should never have been given..."

He goes on to state, "More of us are wondering why doctors inside and outside of government are insisting that every child get 70 doses of 16 vaccines starting on the first day of life and why that list includes expensive new vaccines for mild diseases, like chickenpox, and for diseases you can't catch in a classroom, like hepatitis B. More of us are asking why we have to get a flu shot every year and why health care workers are losing their jobs if they don't..."

He also holds that, "More of us are looking at vaccine studies published in the medical literature, many of which are paid for by drug companies or public health agencies promoting one-size-fits-all vaccine policies, only to discover that a lot of those studies are the best junk science that money can buy..."

I like that Mercola offers a different viewpoint about vaccines than those of conventional medicine.  I think it's important that he challenges the status quo of pharmaceutical companies pushing vaccines to make a profit.   I think it is especially important for parents to be informed about the risks before they make their decisions about what vaccines to give, or not give, to their children.

A Votre Sante, (Here's to Your Health), Alix

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dr. David Williams' link

Today I subscribed Dr. David Williams' newsletter.  It is a digital newsletter that I paid $10 to receive online for the year.  His newsletter was recommended in a comment made about my post on Monsanto.  (www.DrDavidWilliams.com)

I discussed the CDC hiring very questionable decision makers in my last post.  Dr. Williams has spoken about cancer saying that if an effective, inexpensive cure is found, but cannot be controlled by the AMA or drug companies, that we won't hear about it form our family doctor or the government.  Since the American Medical Association is the third largest lobbying group in Washington D.C. (based on expenditure), it's great to have Dr. Williams, another experienced and powerful voice, researching speaking out on behalf of holistic medicine. 

I have included his link as another alternative source of health information for the reader.

A Votre Sante (Here's to Your Health), Alix

Center for Disease Control--Big Time Crazies &Vaccines

I think Mercola does a fantastic job of getting to the bottom of the controversey about vaccines.  He states,  "In February of this year, drug companies got what they wanted all along: the U.S. Supreme Court gave Pharma total immunity from lawsuits...Pharma is funding medical organizations profiting from mass vaccination policies39 to press politicians into quickly passing laws that force Americans to buy and use dozens of doses of vaccines...But what happens if a vaccine given to a child without the parent's consent ends up injuring or killing a child? Is anyone accountable? No. Nobody is liable in a court of law to be tried before a jury of our peers when our children and grandchildren are injured or die after getting vaccinated – not the drug companies that made the vaccines; not the federal health officials, who licensed and recommend the vaccines; not the doctor or medical worker, who gave the vaccines; and not the state politician, who voted for vaccine mandates or looked the other way while state health officials added another new vaccine to the required list. Nobody is held accountable or liable when a child is injured or killed by vaccines in America except the parent of that child, whose informed consent rights may have been violated by fellow citizens wielding power they should never have been given...More of us are wondering why doctors inside and outside of government are insisting that every child get 70 doses of 16 vaccines starting on the first day of life 60 and why that list includes expensive new vaccines for mild diseases, like chickenpox, and for diseases you can't catch in a classroom, like hepatitis B. More of us are asking why we have to get a flu shot every year 61 and why health care workers are losing their jobs if they don't.62
More of us are looking at vaccine studies published in the medical literature, many of which are paid for by drug companies 63 or public health agencies promoting one-size-fits-all vaccine policies, only to discover that a lot of those studies are the best junk science that money can buy. More of us are watching doctors paid by Pharma..."

In 2010 Australia temporarily banned the flu vaccine in children due to vomiting, seizures, and fevers.  Also in 2010 the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System recorded 18,000 Guardasil related adverse effects, and www.jucicialwatch.org recorded 65 deaths from this HPV vaccine.  This "protector" only prevents 2/15 strands that can cause HPV.  Mercola does a lot of posts on vaccines, and I think they are very relevant.

Mercola can be a tad melodramatic, but since his artilces are so expose in nature, I think he is very relevant. His newsletter talked about a top official at the CDC being arrested for child molestation and bestiality.  She has not been convicted, but the DeKalb County Police contend that they are in possession of photographs picturing her performing acts of bestiality.  If proven guilty, this was a person in charge of swine flu vaccinations and hence our children's safety. 

Mercola explains that this woman was responsible for pushing the H1N1 vaccine during the last epidemic,  "An interim report issued in January of this year found that the H1N1 vaccine increased the risk of narcolepsy by 900 percent in children and adolescents below the age of 19. In the US, the H1N1 flu vaccine was statistically linked with abnormally high rates of miscarriage and stillbirths. As reported by Steven Rubin on the NVIC's blog, the US H1N1 flu vaccine was SIXTY times more likely to be reported to VAERS to be associated with miscarriage than previous seasonal flu vaccines.  The only "winners" in this game were the pharmaceutical companies that received millions of dollars for this never-proven-effective and highly reactive vaccine, while being sheltered by our government from liability for any harm it caused."

Whether or not this woman is proven guilty and has her competency completely discredited, anybody considering vaccination their children might want to check out The National Vaccine Information Center.  It looks like the "brilliant thinkers" at the CDC aren't necessarily going to give out all the information that indicates vaccines can be harmful.

Mercola gives another example of faulty thinking on the part of the CDC,  "The reason I fault [the CDC] is because they hired Dr. Thorsen to debunk the link between thimerosal in vaccines and autism—which he did to their satisfaction. However, CDC officials may have played a significant role in "guiding" this research to their desired end, and now that Thorsen has been exposed as a fraud, the agency still upholds his research as being of high caliber....As explained in a 2010 article by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:
'Thorsen was a leading member of a Danish research group that wrote several key studies supporting CDC's claims that the MMR vaccine and mercury-laden vaccines were safe for children. Thorsen's 2003 Danish study reported a 20-fold increase in autism in Denmark after that country banned mercury based preservatives in its vaccines. His study concluded that mercury could therefore not be the culprit behind the autism epidemic.
His study has long been criticized as fraudulent since it failed to disclose that the increase was an artifact of new mandates requiring, for the first time, that autism cases be reported on the national registry. This new law and the opening of a clinic dedicated to autism treatment in Copenhagen accounted for the sudden rise in reported cases rather than, as Thorsen seemed to suggest, the removal of mercury from vaccines.
Despite this obvious chicanery, CDC has long touted the study as the principal proof that mercury-laced vaccines are safe for infants and young children. Mainstream media, particularly the New York Times, has relied on this study as the basis for its public assurances that it is safe to inject young children with mercury -- a potent neurotoxin -- at concentrations hundreds of times over the U.S. safety limits.' "
Regardless of the "he said she said debate" over the CDC,  I always like to educate myself about opposing views than those of the prevailing government authorities. Another Mercola post reads,  
"While infants and young children are at greatest risk, NO ONE is exempt from the potential serious complications of vaccination, one of which brain inflammation after DPT or DtaP vaccination.
In the video profile of pertussis vaccine injury above, Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the non-profit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), interviews a Houston family with a history of vaccine reactions that spans three generations. Now, a 12 year old child in the family has become permanently disabled from a reaction to the DtaP vaccine that was given to her, along with 6 other vaccines, at age 15 months.
Dr. Mercola Recommends...
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This family has chosen to share their heartbreaking story to help those, who have had the same experience, feel less alone, and to educate others about what it means to be vaccine injured. What happened to this family is a potent reminder of just how important it is to make well-informed decisions about vaccinations."

In yet another post--Mercola has a lot of posts about vaccinations, he states, "Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) is not contagious. It is an autoimmune disorder that develops when a person's own immune system attacks and damages the myelin sheath of the body's nerves, causing muscle weakness and paralysis.
GBS symptoms can last for a few weeks or months or can become permanent.
In rare cases, people die from GBS, usually because they cannot breathe.
In the U.S., an estimated 3,000 to 6,000 people develop GBS annually.
Some healthy people, who develop GBS, have recently recovered from a viral or bacterial infection within the previous 4-8 weeks but others have recently been vaccinated.
The inactivated influenza vaccine has been associated with development of GBS since 1976, when an inactivated "swine flu" shot given to millions of healthy Americans caused GBS in several hundred previously healthy Americans and there were 30 deaths.

I recently read a book about Narcissistic Personality Disorder that claims a lot of high ranking officials/people in places of power have this disorder and are therefore primarily concerned with power and devoid of empathy and actual service to others.  I'm definitely keeping myself informed about vaccines through other channels than high ranking government officials.  (www.nvic.org)

A Votre Sante (Here's to Your Health), Alix