Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Eden Energy Mecidine--amazing holistic techniques!

It's been a while since I posted because, over the past few years, I have immersed myself in learning holistic healing rather than writing about it.  I got really involved with learning Eden Energy Medicine from Donna Eden's books and videos, as well as seeing an Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner.  If Western Medicine has failed to help you, check out this modality!

Donna Eden's book is called Energy Medicine, and check out her videos on YouTube.

The following are links to Madison King on YouTube who is an Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner.  These are for strengthening spleen/sedating triple warmer, which I spoke of in a prior post, and that Donna Eden talks about in her book.



I recommend seeing an Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner in your area.

A Votre Sante (Here's To Your Health) Alix

Acupuncture for rosacea--Chicago practitoner

It is very interesting that western medicine has such a hard time treating rosacea.  Often the antibiotics don't work nor do topicals.  I have known many people who have "tried everything," to no avail.

From topicals, to antibiotics, to probiotics, digestive enzymes and eating paleo, it seems that only a small percentage of people blogging on the internet have been able to clear up their rosacea.

I began to experience rosacea recently; I had a flare up of spots and burning hot red cheeks.  Well, after a few sessions of acupuncture, it cleared up.

If you live in Chicago, try Dr. Feng!  He is located at 634 W. Addison (and Broadway) at Hua's Oriental Center, 773-934-0199.  He is really well recommended in the Chicago area, and I have know several people who rave about him.

A Votre Sante (Here's To Your Health), Alix

Acupuncture for chronic fatigue and rosacea

This post talks about acupuncture and another modality "Eden Energy medicine" that uses acupressure.  If Western Medicine has failed to help you, I strongly suggest that you check out Donna Eden's books and videos on YouTube, as well as visit an experienced acupuncturist.

I am a huge fan of Eden Energy Medicine, and have been seeing a Donna Eden practitioner about long-term fatigue issues.  I began to show much improvement, but my practitioner had to take a hiatus. 

What to do?  I love Eden Energy Medicine so much and was so enthusiastic about it that my practitioner helped me to do an acupressure routine on myself at home in between my appointments with her.

However,  after she went on hiatus, I intuited that I needed just a little tweaking of my routine.  So I went for a diagnostic visit with an acupuncturist.

Sure enough, the acupuncturist gave me advice that tweaked my acupressure routine. 

What I was doing to cope with the adrenal fatigue--on my own-- was "sedate triple warmer meridian/strengthen spleen."  Also "strengthening the kidney meridian" is often required.  I know how to muscle test myself for these, so all was well.  Some of you may be familiar with this common practice from Donna Eden's books and videos.

However, suddenly, I began to develop rosacea and my sinuses got worse.  This was while my Eden Energy medicine practitioner was on hiatus, so I did some googling of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and came to the conclusion that I had stagnant heat in my liver.

The acupuncturist was able to confirm this, but put a twist on my treatment.  He began to sedate (clear out) my liver meridian, but told me I must put on hold "strengthening my kidney meridian."

Why?  "Because," he said, "when the liver meridian is clogged, it is like a clogged sink."  Kidney element is "water" and strengthening it at the same time you are clearing liver, only "ads water to a clogged sink." 

What is happening with his treatment (now only sedating liver meridian) is that my rosacea cleared up and became almost invisible.  I am able to use acupressure at home to sedate the liver at in between visits. 

Later, after my liver is clear, he will begin to strengthen my kidney meridian, which will bring back my energy!  And I can do my acupressure for this at home in between visits.

Excellent!  It never hurts to get another viewpoint from a qualified holistic practitioner.  Later, when my Donna Eden practioner resumes her practice, I will go back to her becasue I think Eden Energy medicine is amazing as well!

If this blog seemed too technical, check out Donna Eden's work, which will make all of this jargon so very clear and understandable.  You, too, can begin to do your own energy routine at home using Donna's techniques--and even go see a Donna Eden practitioner or acupuncturist.  Many people have found this to be life changing!

A Votre Sante (Here's To Your Health), Alix