Thursday, July 30, 2015

Natural Cures for Depression

Thanks for the comments everyone, I am getting a lot of readers of this blog.

I received a comment about natural cures for depression.  What strikes me is that most doctors are not giving the very easy urine-test for neurotransmitters.  This test is only about $90 without insurance coverage.  The test provides a neurotransmitter profile to assess the different levels of serotonin, dopamine etc.. 

In Europe, St. John's wort is used as a natural remedy for depression, and some western medicine doctors are now using it here in the states. 

Be sure to have a qualified medical professional who is experienced and can guide you through the process.  A lot of people are concerned about the dangers of pharmaceutical antidepressants hence the interest in St. John's Wort.

Exercise, counseling and checking for other conditions that might mask as depression, such as adrenal fatigue, might be appropriate.  Getting help from a qualified professional who is experienced in natural cures-- there are many western medical doctors who are also naturopaths--can reveal all the potential options for treating depression, including a healthy diet.

Check out this blog from Whole Health Chicago that talks about St. John's wort--they even talk about doses at the end of the blog.  Again, make sure you are seeing a qualified health professional instead of treating yourself. 

Whole Health Chicago has western medical doctors who use St. John's Wort.

A Votre Sante (Here's To Your Health), Alix
