Tuesday, January 30, 2024

ME/CFS and EBV Solution

Hello again,

This post is for folks interested in alleviating ME/CFS as well as eliminating Epstein-Barr or stealth EBV. As always, consult with your doctor before trying any of these techniques.*

I intentionally titled this post "ME/CFS Solution" because western medicine says there is no cure for ME/CFS. I included EBV here because this blog post is based on the newer holistic health finding that stealth EBV (in the liver and organs) is the root cause for ME/CFS. There is no western medicine test for EBV stealthily lodged in organs; so, there is not yet a medical way to prove this.

Stick with me here, as this is a holistic solution, and there's not much research yet about the assertation that viruses eat. There are some fringe studies confirming this. If you stop feeding the stealth EBV, then it clears. Of course viruses eat, think about it - that is my opinion. Anti-inflammatory eating is helpful regardless of what you believe.

Vast Improvement

I've had ME/CFS for decades and was diagnosed holistically with stealth EBV; changing what I eat and adding in anti-viral supplements changed my entire life.

With this plan, I went from "moderate" to "mild" and had an entire summer symptom free. Much earlier in my journey I was prescribed cortisol, thyroid meds (for sub-clinical levels of thyroid hormone, meaning I didn't really need the meds), and prescribed a small dose of Adderall just to stay awake, and these meds sent me into a year-long crash. I no longer take these three meds.

Guess what EBV specifically eats...stick with me...if you have tried everything and none of it works, what I'm about to tell you is easy to do and doesn't have to cost a lot.

OK, what does EBV eat?

Sugar and dairy especially. Just try going sugar free (you can have raw honey and fruit) and dairy free - NO EGGS, and no whey protein powder - go for a couple of weeks. See how you feel. 

This is free!

The second part is that EBV eats pharmaceuticals (see the work of Anthony William), so if your doctor is saying your meds aren't working, or you know your meds aren't working, talk to your doctor about eliminating those which do not work. 

Even if you don't believe what I'm saying about viruses eating, you should still check in with your doctor to see if you are overmedicated. I'm NOT saying to go off your meds, just check in with your doctor. I take medication, by the way, and have reduced meds by eliminating the non-essential/non-working meds - per my western medicine doctor's approval

If you are a "normie" you may be surprised to see the laundry list of meds prescribed for ME/CFS, and some of these meds are used on a trial-and-error basis. On the ME/CFS support page, I've read accounts of these meds not working, and then folks going forward with more trials. 

Look, all I can say is that the anti-inflammatory eating plan worked for me, and it's the only thing I've ever tried that worked for me. Again, run everything holistic you try by your doctor first.

Going Forward

If you've read Medical Medium you know there are some other troublemaker foods to eliminate (in addition to dairy and sugar), and also a host of supplements to take. From personal experience, these need to be tailored to your individual needs by a Medical Medium practitioner. (For example, I eat meat, fat, salt - this is an individual thing, which is why I'm not listing my full protocol here).

If you try Medical Medium protocol from the book Medical Medium for stealth EBV (which Anthony alleges is the root cause of ME/CFS) by yourself, without a practitioner, you might go in to detox and it will HURT badly - meaning, an increase in flu-like symptoms. 

If you've tried everything and nothing has worked so far...try eliminating dairy, including whey protein powder, and eggs, and sugar (keep the raw honey, you can have as much as you want).This is free and what do you have to lose. 

Maybe even just significantly reduce sugar and dairy; this includes reducing maple syrup and agave (remove all sugars except fruit and raw honey) and see how you feel. I hurt for 2 full days if I eat sugar or dairy (sometimes I do eat these, as I give myself a "wild card" meal per week).

You can also read Medical Medium by Anthony William to get more detail about the anti-inflammatory protocol; this changed my life. By the way, an irresponsible journalist wrote an inaccurate story about Anthony, saying that his eating plan was detrimental - I've heard Anthony William say many times in videos and podcasts - GO TO YOUR DOCTOR! (The person written about in the article did not, and would not follow this advice, which was given to her many times by Anthony - unfortunately the journalist did not bother to interview Williams).

Again, this kind of anti-inflammatory eating plan can be supervised and approved by your western medicine doctor - it's just healthy and anti-inflammatory eating. That's it and some supplements.

I eat plenty of fresh, organic produce (including fruit) - and I take calcium and do bone density exercises (these are not hard for those with mild ME/CFS. Understandably, not all ME/CFS folks can get out of bed, but you can wait and see if anti-inflammatory eating helps).

I should be totally ME/CFS (EBV) free in about a year; it's a process. The pandemic, long covid, and midlife hormonal changes slowed the healing down, but again, I went from moderate to mild, and now have a plan to get even better! (If you are a "normie" reading this, mild ME/CFS is still considered 65% capacity).

Also, let me be clear. Even if the "viruses eat" thing turns out "to be false," the detailed and specific anti-inflammatory eating/supplement plan I got from my Medical Medium practitioner worked! 

I am not in any way affiliated with Anthony William/Medical Medium. (Don't know him, never met him, don't know his staff, never had contact with him, don't receive any kickbacks, he has no idea who I am, and he will probably never see this blog post).

I searched and experimented with holistic health solutions for 10 full years; I am extremely methodical, detailed, and skeptical as far as exploring solutions -  and this is the only anti-inflammatory eating plan/supplement protocol that worked for me. 

Here's to Your Health, 


*The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with a qualified and licensed physician or other medical care provider, and follow their advice without delay regardless of anything read on this blog.
