Monday, November 28, 2011

No, Not Potato Chips!!!

I thought I was safe eating non-GMO potato chips, but according to a 2005 study conducted by the Environmental Law Foundation, all potato chips contain a naturally occurring carcinogenic material called acrylamide.  (   Acrylamide is a byproduct caused by heating starchy foods to high temperatures. These carbohydrate rich foods include potatoes, bread (toast), and even coffee beans.

The federal limit for acrylamide in  drinking water is about .12 micrograms for an 8 oz. glass of water--.5 parts per billion.  According to the report, potato chips can contain up to 910 times that amount.   Some of the worst offenders were Cape Cod Robust Russet (910x the amount), Kettle Chips that are lightly salted (505x), and Kettle Chips, honey dijon, (405x). 

In 2005 California sued potato chip makers resulting in a settlement whereby Frito Lay and some others agreed to lower the acrylamide level to 275 ppb by 2011.   This will prevent them from having to issue a cancer warning label in California.  Again, federal law restricts the acrylamide level in water to .5 parts per billion. 

I absolutely love potato chips, but I think I will avoid them for now.  I am going to call Whole Foods and Trader Joes to see if I can find out what the levels of acrylamide are in their house brand chips (I usually eat their ruffles chips brands), and I will post the results if I can get them.

By the way, here's an interesting fact; Pringles contain only small amounts of potatoes.  They are a conglomeration of rice, wheat, corn, and potato flakes.  Also, speaking of heating things up to high temperatures, when oils reach their smoke point, they oxidize and partially hydrogenate creating trans fats.  Coconut oil is a great oil to use, because it has a high smoke point.  Oils that have lower smoke points are olive, corn, safflower, sunflower, and canola. 

A Votre Sante, (Here's to Your Health), Alix

1 comment:

  1. did you find anything out when you called? I googled "trader joes and acrylamide" and your post came up. I realte to your title as potato chips are one my my VERY FEW treats that I can have (food issues). NOOOOOOOO!
    please post results of your phone calls!

